Services Available

Marketing of Petroleum Services

We make sure our products and services are seen by people in the furthest of regions with major supply depots in Lagos, Enugu, Abuja, Onitsha, Bayelsa, Delta, Calabar, PHC, Abeokuta and Minna.

Our services are accessible wherever you are.
We also offer service marketing on behalf of Multinational oil, gas and power companies, applying our professionalism and our effectiveness to get results.

Sale of Petroleum and power Services:
We deal in all things energy, with a wide range of petroleum products from, Gasoline to kerosene and naphtha, to electric power generation and transmission products and equipment’s of all grades.

We also have on standby a follow up and service team which ensure that these products and services get delivered to the right clients and record feedback and complaints, making our service provision a lot more comprehensive.

Distribution of petroleum & energy Services

Distribution of energy is equally as important as its production. We have been able to build a distribution network of over 18,000 major delivery trucks (excluding minor commercial trucks and courier services) that run nationwide and we’re currently working to increase this figure with a recent acquisition of 10,000 delivery trucks which will hit the road this year.

Logistics and Delivery

Ensuring the needs of our clients is paramount, to achieve this, Anec Stone Energy has established a supply chain that is reliable, efficient and importantly cost effective. Clients can have their goods delivered directly to their premises, arrange for goods to be delivered to third party clients, deploy the use of a courier or pick-up their goods directly from Anec Stone themselves.

Supply of Power transmission/gen. Equipment

We are more than just an Oil and Gas supply company, we deal in energy, knowing fully well that electricity is a basic part of energy and the core of power generation, we offer a wide range of power generation and transmission products, from power pylons, to transformers of all types and voltage capacities.

Over the years we have also been able to partner with other power and energy production and distribution companies outside the country which have an impressive record of work done.

We handle shipments and supply of general power equipment such as; Power pylons, auto transformers, single phase and 3 phases, step up and step down, distribution and instrument transformers, power transmitters of all voltage grades from high energy 600 watt to low energy 22kva. We have a service and maintenance team always on ground to attend to the needs of our clients always.

Stevedore services

Anec Stone Energy renders Stevedore services and we a duely registered in Nigeria with the relevant agencies.

Oil and Gas offshore logistics support

Towage Services

Value Added Services

There’s more to energy marketing and supply than meets the eye, we pride ourselves in the fact that over time we have been able to ensure that we do a little extra to further satisfy our clients, by developing new methods to serve you better.

We also provide tanker chattering services, and power equipment installation service to a range of multinational Oil, Gas and power producing bodies with primary route throughout west and Sun Saharan Africa. Further expanding our reach.